Welcome to St. Catherine of Alexandria School

The administration, faculty, and parents of St. Catherine of Alexandria School are dedicated to the education, formation, and growth of the whole child, spiritually, academically, and culturally consistent with all Catholic teachings and beliefs. In fulfilling this team effort, we recognize parents as the primary educators of their children.
We strive to teach our students that all human life is precious, that each human being should be treated with dignity, tolerance, and respect, and that we recognize ourselves as God’s gift to each other. As members of a global community, we expect our students to answer their baptismal call to holiness by serving others, to accept others and their differences, and to recognize that everyone is created in God’s image, filling a special place in this world.
Because of the diverse needs of our children, we are willing to listen, change, modify, and adapt to address the individuality and uniqueness of each student. We challenge our students to be effective communicators, problem-solvers, and life-long learners who aspire to achieve their unlimited potential. We encourage students to believe in their abilities and to trust in their own judgment while providing them with the tools that hold them accountable for their actions. We believe that an emphasis on good study skills and work habits will guide their academic achievements. We require students to apply techniques and strategies through technology explorations, collaborations, and group experiences, to prepare them for leadership, responsibility, and life-long success.